Nursing training in the Philippines and a comparison with Germany

Nursing Education in the Philippines: A Comprehensive Overview Nursing education in the Republic of the Philippines is a four-year university programme leading to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. This programme is offered by public and private universities and colleges accredited by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). The BSN degree programme is both [...]
The voluntary social year in Germany in the care sector

FSJ as a foreigner in Germany: A comprehensive guide with legal basics The Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) offers young people from all over the world (for example from the Philippines) the opportunity to gain valuable professional and personal experience in Germany. The FSJ is a particularly popular way for foreigners from non-EU countries to familiarise themselves with Germany and gain a foothold here. [...]
How to bring a construction worker to Germany via the Western Balkans regulation

What is the Western Balkans regulation? The so-called "Western Balkans regulation" is a special regulation that gives nationals from six Western Balkan states simplified access to the German labour market. This regulation was first introduced in 2016 and has since made it easier for numerous people from the countries concerned to work in Germany. On 1 January 2021, a successor regulation pursuant to Section 26 [...]
Immigration of construction workers, craftsmen, plumbers, welders, electricians, etc. from the Western Balkans

Immigration to Germany to take up employment: Western Balkans regulation and Skilled Labour Immigration Act Germany offers various opportunities for immigration to take up employment, particularly within the framework of the Western Balkans regulation and the Skilled Labour Immigration Act. These regulations are aimed at workers from abroad and aim to combat the shortage of skilled labour in Germany. The most important entry options and the legal basis are described in detail below [...]
Opportunities for Filipino nationals to work or train in the medical field

Do you want to come to Germany as a Filipino doctor or nurse and work in Germany? Or do you want to do an apprenticeship in Germany as a graduate of a Filipino school? That is a good decision. Germany is and remains a popular country for labour migration, including for Filipino healthcare professionals. The working conditions in Germany are good and are becoming increasingly [...]
Legal basis of the expedited skilled worker procedure

Introduction to the accelerated skilled worker procedure under Section 81a of the Residence Act The accelerated skilled worker procedure under Section 81a of the Residence Act (AufenthG) is an efficient way for employers to integrate qualified skilled workers from abroad into the German labour market more quickly. It aims to significantly reduce the processing time for visas and other necessary documents. Through close cooperation [...]
Experiences with the Accelerated Skilled Worker Procedure

The Skilled Immigration Act, which has been in force since March 2020, aims to facilitate access to the German labour market for qualified skilled workers from non-EU countries.